Przemysław Zalewski
Full Stack Web Developer from Wroclaw, Poland. My daily toolbox includes JavaScript, TypeScript, React, node.js, C#, and .NET.
I am fully committed to what I do, I am experienced with the full product lifecycle and I lead projects and teams to achieve their goals. I am product-focused, and I deliver. I love clean code, functional programming, and I participate in code reviews heavily. New challenges and opportunities are what I am looking for.
Currently working for Sandstream Development sp. z o.o.
Earliest availability from March 2025. Remote work preferred.
Education and work experience
In 2014 I have earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science and Management of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
Commercial work
Sandstream Development sp. z o.o. · Senior Full Stack Web Developer · JS, React, node.js, C#
Self-employment · 25+ apps, 3 million+ downloads · C#, XAML, ASP.NET
LOSO sp. z o.o. · RatingSpeed · Windows Phone app · C#, XAML
IT4Biznes Marcin Hatalak · Fast-coffee · Windows Phone app · C#, XAML
Cube Investments sp. z o.o. · Kwejk.pl · Windows Phone app · C#, XAML
Red Dot Games · I Am Rich The Game · Windows PC, Store app · C++, C#, DirectX
Red Dot Games · Platformer game engine · Windows PC, Xbox 360 · C#, XNA
Job paths
Full Stack Web Developer · JavaScript
Windows App Developer · C#
Game Developer · C++, C#
Browse my skills to see if I can fit your project’s needs.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- C#
- React
- node.js
- Redux
- React Native
- Sass
- styled-components
- Jest
- Express.js
- Hapi.js
- WebSockets
- Server-side rendering
- Electron
- Expo
- npm
- yarn
- Webpack
- Babel
- Rollup
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Chrome DevTools
- Web security
- puppeteer
- nginx
- MongoDB
- Redis
- WebGL
- three.js
- .NET
- Entity Framework
Tools and soft skills
- Git
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Jira
- Confluence
- Figma
- Storybook
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Jenkins
- GitHub Actions
- Google Analytics
- Cloudflare
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio
- Unit testing
- Responsive design
- End-to-end testing
- Scrum
- Scrum Master
- Agile
- Code review
- Mentorship
There are some notable projects I have been working on recently.
Back Office Task Management System
June 2022 - August 2022
PGS Software S.A. for undisclosed client
TypeScript, React, Next.js, node.js, Jest, WebdriverIO, Server-Sent Events, Web Extensions, MongoDB, styled-components, Tailwind CSS, CSS, REST, Auth0, Kubernetes, Datadog, Jira, CircleCI
Ads and Ancillaries
Omio.comJuly 2021 - May 2022
PGS Software S.A. for Omio
TypeScript, React, JavaScript, node.js, React Native, Jest, Storybook, Hapi.js, REST, Redux, Swift, Kotlin, go, Java, Redash, SQL, BigQuery, Kibana, Grafana, Amplitude, Google Ad Manager, Firebase, Xcode, Android Studio, Jira, Confluence
July 2017 - June 2021
Sandstream Development sp. z o.o. for undisclosed client
JavaScript, React, Redux, Redux Thunk, node.js, Jest, C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework, MySQL, ASP.NET Core, Sass, WebGL, three.js, Git, GitHub, Webpack, puppeteer, Expo, React Native, Storybook, APM (Azure Application Insights), AWS, Stripe
Sandstream Development sp. z o.o.
JavaScript, React, node.js, Express.js, Sass, styled-components, Webpack, Docker, Docker Compose, nginx, MongoDB, mongoose, Redis, JWT, CI/CD, Jenkins, Git, GitLab, ELK Stack, puppeteer, Expo, React Native, Electron, Storybook, APM (Sentry.io), Amazon S3, paddle

November 2019 - December 2019
Sandstream Development sp. z o.o.
JavaScript, React, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, face-api.js, OpenCV, WebAssembly, Android, Kotlin, Git, GitLab
October 2019 - August 2020
Sandstream Development sp. z o.o.
TypeScript, JavaScript, Rollup, Static site generators, Git, GitHub, GitHub Pages, GitHub Actions, React, node.js, Babel, Prettier, ESLint

Korona Krulów
koronakrulow.plJavaScript, React, node.js, nginx

Driving licence tests
JavaScript, React, node.js, Babel, ESLint, Visual Studio Code, MobX

C#, JavaScript, React, node.js, Babel, Redux, WebSockets, Docker, ASP.NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store

Personal web page and blog
ciunkos.comJavaScript, React, node.js, Babel, ESLint, Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Webpack

Store ᴾᴿᴼ
C#, XAML, MVVM, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Visual Studio

C#, XAML, MVVM, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Visual Studio

C#, XAML, MVVM, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Visual Studio

C#, XAML, MVVM, ASP.NET, MS SQL, Visual Studio

Cube Investments sp. z o.o.

LOSO sp. z o.o.

IT4Biznes Marcin Hatalak
C#, XAML, MVVM, ASP.NET, socket.io, Visual Studio

I Am Rich The Game
Red Dot Games
C++, XAML, C#, DirectX 9, DirectX 11, Visual Studio

Platformer game engine
Red Dot Games
C#, DirectX 9, XNA, Visual Studio
Your next project can be here
Interests and future goals
I am always ready to learn new things and explore new opportunities.
My interests
- Functional programming
- Language design
- Deep neural networks
- UX
- App development
- DX
- Security
- Performance
- User interface design
- Dogs 🐶
Functional programming, language design, deep neural networks, UX, app development, DX, security, performance, user interface design, dogs 🐶.
My goals
- Set up a Kubernetes cluster
- Learn Haskell well
- Give a speech about programming
- Join a team of highly-skilled and experienced people
- Improve my spoken English
- Sharpen my TypeScript skills
- Contribute to an open source project
- Write more tests and explore TDD approach
- Increase presence on StackOverflow
Set up a Kubernetes cluster.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. 2016 r. poz. 922).